Wednesday 5 January 2011

Quick Analysis: Kerrang!

Strapline: Kerrang doesn't have a strapline, however, the name itself is onamatapoeic and refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar.

Publisher: Bauer

Price: £2.20

Approximate Circulation: 134,000

Frequency: Weekly

First Issue: 6th June 1981

House Style: Each issue looks different in the way of colour scheme, but the masthead always stays the same. This particular issue has a yellow theme linking with Hayley Williams hair, which has always been known to be outrageous. The continuous yellow over the cover allows the magazine to stand out from the rest that would be on the shelf.

I would consider Kerrang a competitor of my magazine because it offers the same sort of thing to its readers as my magazine would. I want to offer competitions which you can win tickets, advertise places to buy merchandise, promote upcoming gigs and feature famous bands such as Paramore.

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