Thursday 6 January 2011

Possible Mastheads

I sketched out various different ideas for the masthead of my magazine once I had decided on a name. I wanted it to stand out, but to look rough because in my magazine, I want to promote the idea that not being perfect is okay and to just be who you are.

This one was my first idea, and I used Kerrang's idea of having all capital letters and the exclamation mark to put some expression into the word, because that is what music is all about; expressing yourself.
I tried the word out in lower case letters, but it didn't stand out enough, so I made it bolder, but it still didn't look quite right.

I then tried simple capital letters, which I liked because the large writing and exclamation mark gave the idea of shouting which Kerrang used, and it also was plain and simple, just like Rock Sound.

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