Wednesday 5 January 2011

A Day In The Life Of A Reader Of My Magazine

She gets up for school and dreads the day ahead. But it's a Friday, so she looks forward to the night ahead and the rest of the weekend. She leaves for school, listening to her ipod, singing along to her music. She arrived at school, and she was pleased to see her friends, but school dragged. The whole day passed by in a blur. She had been set homework, but she'd think about that another time, there was no way she was going to make an attempt at doing that tonight. She agreed with her friends to meet them at the train station and they could head out together. She got the bus home and looked forward to what the night ahead had to offer. They were heading up to Camden to see a band that they all loved play a gig. The girls had gotten to know the band, and considered them good friends. She sent a text to the singer of the band, letting them know that her and her friends would be coming along to the gig tonight, and he text back saying he looked forward to seeing them and would save them tickets. She could barely contain her excitement as she got dressed. She backcombed her hair a little, did her makeup, laced up her grunge boots, grabbed her money and headed out for the train station. She hugged her friends and they all talked about the night ahead and previous memories they'd shared with the band as the train headed up to London. She really fancied the drummer, and couldn't stop thinking about how gorgeous he'd look tonight. They went through Waterloo and headed for the underground, getting a few heckles and whistles as they went, but they just ignored them. They're not interested in dirty men like that! On the tube they joked and giggled and she started to get slightly nervous about seeing the drummer, hoping he could maybe like her back and she wouldn't say or do the wrong thing. When they arrived in Camden, her favourite place in the world, they headed for the venue and sure enough, the guys in the band didn't disappoint; they all looked gorgeous. The friends headed inside and chatted whilst they were waiting for the first band to come on. They said hi to people they knew and some guys were checking the girls out, and the girls replied with a smile. It gave them confidence. Then the band came on ; the music was loud and everyone felt great. The girls jumped around and had a good time, trying as much as possible to avoid the moshpits. After the gig, the friends hung out with the guys from the band for a while before deciding it was time to head home. They each hugged the band members and said goodbye before heading back to the train station. She turned round and gave a cheeky grin to the drummer, and she thought about him all the way home. The train journey home passed by quickly as all the girls chatted about the evening and they'd all had a great time. When she finally got home, she snuck in as to not wake her mum, and she reluctantly set her alarm for work the next morning. She fell asleep dreading work the next day, but thinking that she was very lucky to have the friends that she did and she just couldn't wait until she could see the drummer again...

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