Thursday 6 January 2011

Name of my Magazine

I chose the name 'Bangover!' for my magazine, because I wanted a name that was one word and not too long. A bangover is the feeling you get the morning after going to a rock concert. It consists of the normal symptoms of a hangover, along with scrapes, bruises, aches and pains from being slammed into or stamped on in a moshpit and also a sore neck from headbanging.

Analysis of a Masthead

This masthead shows what this magazine is about. The name 'Rock Sound' clearly tells you that this magazine is about rock music, and the strapline tells you that it focuses on new and up and coming bands and sounds rather than being like every other music magazine and only focusing on the famous bands.

The black and white colour scheme is plain and simple, and the font is very simple and plain. This tells you that this is what the magazine is like: it's about rock music, plain and simple, and it gives you the idea of 'if you don't like it, don't read it'.

The font that 'Rock Sound' is written in has bits chipped off the edges and scratches in it. This shows that the people featured in the magazine may be considered a little rough around the edges, and it shows the destructive and angry side behind the music that the magazine promotes. However, 'New Music First' doesn't have any scratches, which perhaps shows the idea that the new music featured is good and pure, but once those bands become famous, they will be considered damaged and broken, which is why 'Rock Sound' has the chips and scratches in the writing.

Analysis of a Masthead

The black and white colour scheme is plain and simple. The name of the magazine is onamatopoeic and is the sound of when a power chord is played on an electric guitar. This tells you immediately what kind of music this magazine features.

Most people say that when they read something that is all in capital letters, the voice in their head reads it as someone shouting rather than speaking. Kerrang features music that must be played loud and the people who create the music are loud people who are very confident about themselves and don't really care what other people think.

Alot of rockstars are known for smashing up their equipment after a big gig, and this is why the writing is cracked. It shows the 'destructive' side to the music and the energy and sometimes anger that goes into creating the music.

Possible Mastheads

I sketched out various different ideas for the masthead of my magazine once I had decided on a name. I wanted it to stand out, but to look rough because in my magazine, I want to promote the idea that not being perfect is okay and to just be who you are.

This one was my first idea, and I used Kerrang's idea of having all capital letters and the exclamation mark to put some expression into the word, because that is what music is all about; expressing yourself.
I tried the word out in lower case letters, but it didn't stand out enough, so I made it bolder, but it still didn't look quite right.

I then tried simple capital letters, which I liked because the large writing and exclamation mark gave the idea of shouting which Kerrang used, and it also was plain and simple, just like Rock Sound.

Double Page Spread Analysis: Rocksound

This double page spread is about the band All Time Low and their goals for 2011.
They play pop punk/alternative rock, which is quite lighthearted and fun. Therefore, the colour scheme is very bright and cheerful.
The men in the band are thought of as very attractive and the frontman, Alex Gaskarth, has been voted as one of the sexiest males. The photo applies to both males and females because to males, it's just a photo of one of their favourite bands, and to females, they're a few really good looking men who create good music.
The text box stands out on the page, and the bold numbers show you that it's some kind of interview. The text are statements that the band have made and then their comments, so it feels almost as if the band is talking to you as a person, and it makes you feel like you know them and you're on a much more personal level. Because it's them speaking, you feel like you can believe what you're reading because there's no journalists to make it something that it isn't.
In the top right hand corner, there is the Rock Sound sign for 'ones to watch' which is a continous feature throughout the magazine. This makes you want to read the article because you want to know why they're so special and why Rock Sound think they're one to watch out for.
In the bottom left hand corner, there is a quote from the frontman, Alex Gaskarth, and a picture of him. These quotes on these particular articles are often inspirational or thought provoking, which shows you just how talented these musicians are.